Tag Land Art

Turenscape and the Puyangjiang River Corridor


Turenscape and the Puyangjiang River Corridor

A major landscape reclamation project by Chinese firm Turenscape in the east China city of Pujiang has injected new life into a river and its degraded environment, reconnecting it with the city’s residents.

Uredd by Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter + Landskapsfabrikken


Uredd by Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter + Landskapsfabrikken

The Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter design team with the landscapers from Landskapsfabrikken designed the Uredd rest area as a new tourist attraction along the Helgelandskysten, one of the National Scenic Routes.

A journey to the edges of the world, Erieta Attali


A journey to the edges of the world, Erieta Attali

Renowned photographer Erieta Attali is present with her latest book, Periphery | Archaeology of Light, at Paris Photo, the mecca of photography enthusiasts.

BIOTOPE, the new project by SHJWORKS


BIOTOPE, the new project by SHJWORKS

Biotope is a new project by SHJWORKS in Copenhagen, a three-year-long experiment with a microcosm of plants and insects in an exposed part of the city - a small green lot on a busy intersection, where the Danish studio has crafted a corner of self-sustaining life.

A bike path by Batlle i Roig


A bike path by Batlle i Roig

Catalan architecture firm Batlle i Roig has designed an 890-metre-long bike path in Barcelona that connects various urban environments to make them more liveable and sustainable.

Pollution 2018 - RefleAction: SOS School of Sustainability e Iris Ceramica Group


Pollution 2018 - RefleAction: SOS School of Sustainability e Iris Ceramica Group

The architect Mario Cucinella and Iris Ceramica Group continue their collaboration, which comes to a peak at Cersaie in Piazza Santo Stefano, Bologna.

Quinta edizione di Passages Insolites a Quebec


Quinta edizione di Passages Insolites a Quebec

The fifth edition of Passages Insolites (Unusual Passages), created by EXMURO with the support of the City of Quebec, is running until 15 October in Quebec, Canada.

Robert Konieczny, By The Way House, Poland


Robert Konieczny, By The Way House, Poland

The photos by Olo studio, Juliusz Sokoêowski and Jarosêaw Syrek follow the white cement ribbon, creating a path that allows us to discover the By The Way House, designed by architect Robert Konieczny in Poland.

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