Tag Florence

Food&Blogger: Giulia Scarpaleggia and Tommaso Galli of Juls’ Kitchen (part III)


Food&Blogger: Giulia Scarpaleggia and Tommaso Galli of Juls’ Kitchen (part III)

The blog offers simple, seasonal, family recipes and encourages people to use local produce. It’s aimed at anyone who’s passionate about good food but isn’t experienced with complicated techniques and doesn’t have much time to cook.

Food&Blogger: Giulia Scarpaleggia and Tommaso Galli of Juls’ Kitchen (part II)


Food&Blogger: Giulia Scarpaleggia and Tommaso Galli of Juls’ Kitchen (part II)

The food blog run by the Tuscan food writer and food photographer and her partner is accompanied by a host of activities, from food writing and food photography courses to cookery workshops for Italians and non-Italians, as well as cookery books

Food&Blogger: Giulia Scarpaleggia and Tommaso Galli of Juls’ Kitchen (part I)


Food&Blogger: Giulia Scarpaleggia and Tommaso Galli of Juls’ Kitchen (part I)

She’s a food writer and food photographer, he’s a digital communication expert. Together they run a highly popular food blog: perfect for anyone who loves traditional Italian cuisine, seasonal food, the Tuscan countryside and a genuine approach to living

Sundaymorning receives a commendation at the Premio Architettura Toscana


Sundaymorning receives a commendation at the Premio Architettura Toscana

The noteworthy works have been named at the first edition of the Premio Architettura Toscana (PAT - Architecture in Tuscany Award) and include “House in a pine wood” by sundaymorning in the “First work” section.

Ai Weiwei, Ruyi Path at Chateau La Coste


Ai Weiwei, Ruyi Path at Chateau La Coste

Château La Coste in the hills to the north of Aix-en-Provence, France combines the crafting of fine wines with the presentation of fine art and architecture.

Hyperbamboo, a sustainable landmark at the CAMBOO Festival


Hyperbamboo, a sustainable landmark at the CAMBOO Festival

CAMBOO Festival is the name of the Bamboo Festival in Cambodia organised by NGO Building Trust International, which has been building sustainable housing operated in South East Asia for years.

Modern macrobiotics: Roberto Marrocchesi’s experience (part II)


Modern macrobiotics: Roberto Marrocchesi’s experience (part II)

The naturopath and nutritionist from Turin tells us his story and talks about his relationship with the diet of “long life”. It all began back in 1972, when he found a book by Georges Ohsawa at a used book stand in Turin

Milan Design Week. Interview with Pavlo Schtakleff from Sé


Milan Design Week. Interview with Pavlo Schtakleff from Sé

Milan Design Week gives us the perfect opportunity to meet up with design leaders.

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