Tag Australia

McBride Charles Ryan, Brownless Biomedical Library


McBride Charles Ryan, Brownless Biomedical Library

Sinuous shapes and bright colours characterise the interior of the Biomedical Library at Melbourne University designed by the architectural practice of McBride Charles Ryan.

Sustainable, liveable infrastructures. Hassell’s metro stations on a human scale


Sustainable, liveable infrastructures. Hassell’s metro stations on a human scale

The expansion project for the metro line in northern Sydney with 4 new stations has earned Hassell the 2011 Chicago Atheneaum International Architecture Award

CTBUH award for skyscrapers


CTBUH award for skyscrapers

Skyscrapers by Gehry, Foster, Hutton and Wilkinson Eyre have won the regional sections of the CTBUH, and the overall winner will be announced in October 2011.

Designing a home like a car


Designing a home like a car

The project was created using parametric modelling software. The architects created a dynamic model that would respond to changes in a number of variables and worked in stages to come up with a model that met all the established requirements.

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