Tag Archisbang

Archisbang transforms incomplete residential building into new offices


Archisbang transforms incomplete residential building into new offices

Architectural studio Archisbang transformed and converted a incomplete residential building in the province of Turin into a new office space. The architects have made the "unfinished" condition that characterised the building for many years the key to interpretation of the new renovation project.

Archisbang: “Il Generale” home in Ivrea, Italy


Archisbang: “Il Generale” home in Ivrea, Italy

“Il Generale”, a home in Ivrea designed by Archisbang, is a renovation project balancing respect for the layout of the original building with limitation of the need for demolition and improvement of energy efficiency, while giving the building a bold new look that stands out in contrast with the other homes in the neighbourhood.

Archisbang+Areaprogetti: Redevelopment of Scuola Pascoli, Turin


Archisbang+Areaprogetti: Redevelopment of Scuola Pascoli, Turin

Education as an ongoing function and enhancement of the historic heritage as a way to create a civic centre: these are the keys to redevelopment of Giovanni Pascoli school in Turin by Archisbang and Areaprogetti, winners of the “Torino Fa Scuola” competition.


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