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Peripheriques, Marin+Trottin+Jumeau


Peripheriques Architectes is an association of two Paris studios: the studio of Emmanuelle Marin (1967) and David Trottin (1965) and that of Anne-Françoise Jumeau (1962). 
Dozens of assistants and professionals have worked with the studios since 1996.
A multidisciplinary approach, teamwork and constant critical discussion are the hallmarks of an organisation that has participated in numerous architecture and urban planning competitions over the years. 
The studio also works in the fields of design, set design and production of installations: in IN-EX magazine, Peripheriques examines international architectural and artistic experiences.
Member architects have a variety of curricula permitting them to address the discipline of architecture in different ways. A.F. Jumeau has a degree from Paris-Villemin School of Architecture and went on to specialise in the study of landscape at the Versailles School; E. Marin graduated from Paris-La Seine University and won the Europan 3 architecture competition with Trottin, who graduated from Paris-Villemin University in 1990.
Their production, primarily in France, includes many didactic buildings: a school and multimedia library in Clamart (2007); Banlieues Bleues music complex in Pantin (2006); the Regional Centre for Contemporary Music in Nancy (2007).
In 2002 Peripheriques was selected to design the big building Atrium, a 17 thousand square metre facility including classrooms, administrative offices, libraries and laboratories at Pierre & Marie Curie University in Paris. 
With Atrium, Peripheriques reinterpreted the building and connected it with the huge university campus and existing buildings, constructed in the sixties: the structure stands out for its use of colour as a sign and for the way light filters through the big windows. 
The studio has worked on important large-scale residential projects: in Paris, the studio provided consulting services and coordination for OPAC, for the urban planning of 180 residential units in Autrement-rue-Rebière and participated in the international competition for renovation of the Carreau des Halles; in Limoges, the studio built “La Fayette Terraces”, an ecological neighbourhood of 132 homes (2009).
Peripheriques selected works and projects
- Mediateca, Isola Saint Paul (Francia), 2015
- Progetto Cristal Riviera, Rennes (Francia), 2013
- Cardinet Quintessence, Parigi (Francia), 2012
- Creche, 30 berceaux, Parigi (Francia), 2012
- Progetto per il Conservatorio di Musica di Belfort (Francia), 2011
- Progetto per il Padiglione francese all’Expo 2010 di Shangai, 2008
- Progetto urbano Clichy Batignolles, Pargi (Francia), 2008
- Centro Regionale di musica contemporanea, Nancy (Francia), 2007
- Scuola e mediateca, Clamart (Francia), 2007
- Atrium, Università Pierre e Marie Curie, Campus di Jussieu, Parigi (Francia), 2006
- Maison Go, Thionville (Francia), 2006
- Banlieues Bleues, Pantin (Francia), 2006
- Villa Torpedo, St. Denis (Francia), 2005
- Jardins de La Pirotterie, Rezé (Francia), 2005
- Nouveau Casino, Parigi (Francia), 2001
Official web site

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