
Master plan unveiled for Parque de Levante, Spain

Museums, Sport & Wellness,

A vast tract of land along the Segura River is the subject of a master plan by American architectural studio K/R Architects which reinvents the concept of the park/museum with the construction of one of the world’s biggest open-air museums of "land art".

Master plan unveiled for Parque de Levante, Spain
John Keenen and Terence Riley, founders of K/R Architects, have unveiled their master plan for the “Parque de Levante”, a 100 acre park in Murcia, in the south of Spain.
The plan presented by K/R architects reinvents the concept of the park/museum and explores the relationship between art, culture and nature by creating one of the world?s biggest open-air museums of land art.
The park will occupy a vast tract of land along the Segura River, not far from the centre of the town of Murcia, and involves recovery of the banks of the river and creation of paths and facilities such as a food and agriculture centre, a site for hosting major events and, of course, the museum, for which an architecture competition will be held before the end of the year.

by Agnese Bifulco

Design: K/R Architects
Location: Murcia, Spain
Illustrations: courtesy of K/R Architects, VUW



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