
Lands of men - great photographers portray landscape

Paul Caponigro, Ansel Adams, Luigi Ghirri, Stephen Shore, Franco Fontana, Mimmo Jodice, Gabriele Basilico, Minor White,


Exhibition, Photography, Event,

An invitation to discover landscape and its relationship with man through photographs by Adams, Shore, Goldblatt, Ghirri, Basilico, Jodice and 21 more great photographers who have portrayed some of the “Lands of Men”.

Lands of men - great photographers portray landscape

Until January 7, 2018 Palazzo Gromo Losa in Biella hosts a contemporary photography exhibition entitled “Terre di Uomini - Adams, Shore, Goldblatt, Ghirri, Basilico, Jodice e altri 21 grandi fotografi raccontano il paesaggio” (Lands of men - Adams, Shore, Goldblatt, Ghirri, Basilico, Jodice and 21 more great photographers portray landscape). Curated by Chiara Dall’Olio and made possible by a partnership between Fondazione Fotografia Modena and Palazzo Gromo Losa srl, the exhibition is a story that takes place in America, Africa and Italy through the work of 27 different artists who capture man’s relationship with landscape and the impact each has on the other.

The American photographs evoke the legendary last frontier of Ansel Adams, considered a master of the genre, and continue with the images of Edward Weston, the experiments of Callahan and Siskind, small-town America as depicted by Stephen Shore, the wide open spaces of the desert photographed by Misrach, Gossage’s industrial outskirts, the visionary and contemplative photographs of White, Caponigro, Bullock and Chappell, and the work of Friedlander and Van Deren Coke.

African photographers tell the story of everyday struggles. In their images, astoundingly beautiful natural surroundings are exploited and raped by human activity, such as the Nigerian forests polluted by oil pipelines in Osodi’s images, or simply serve as a backdrop for human life, as in the photographs by Goldblatt, Nunn, Naudé, Barrada, and Tillim; or yet again, stand for hope for the future and a new world in Apagya’s photographs.

The landscape of Italy is represented by Franco Fontana in images taking the form of big fields of colour and by Luigi Ghirri with his focus on the small towns of the Po Valley; Vittore Fossati transforms the banks of the Po into almost lunar landscapes; Walter Niedermayr depicts the alpine landscape in his fragmentary images, while Mimmo Iodice focuses on the Mediterranean, the cradle of Italian culture. The images of Guido Guidi denounce the contamination of the land by industry and incessant modern human activity, which is also evoked, though invisible, in the architecture photography of Gabriele Basilico.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Titolo/Title: Terre di Uomini - Adams, Shore, Goldblatt, Ghirri, Basilico, Jodice e altri 21 grandi fotografi raccontano il paesaggio (Lands of men - Adams, Shore, Goldblatt, Ghirri, Basilico, Jodice and 21 more great photographers portray landscape)
A cura di/Curated by: Chiara Dall’Olio
Promossa da/ Promoted by: Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Palazzo Gromo Losa srl

Dates: 27 October 2017 – 7 January 2018
Opening hours: Friday and Saturday 15:30-19:00 / Sunday 10:00-13:00 | 15:30-19:00
1 November, 8 and 26 December, 1 and 6 January 10:00-13:00 | 15:30-19:00, closed 25 December

Sede/Location: Palazzo Gromo Losa - Corso del Piazzo, 22/24 - Biella Italia

Images courtesy of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena