
“La Festa dell’Architetto” and school architecture as a project for the future


School, Schools & Universities,


The 2020 edition of the "Festa dell’Architetto", postponed due to the pandemic, takes place with live streaming January 27 through 29, 2021. Organised by Italy’s National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists (Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori or CNAPPC) and the country’s network of provincial orders of architects, the event promotes the culture of design and underlines architecture’s social function. The CNAPPC’s virtual museum will be inaugurated during the event, and the awards for “Architetto italiano” (Italian Architect), “ Giovane Talento dell'Architettura Italiana” (Young Talent in Italian Architecture) and a Special Prize entitled “(Ri)progettare la scuola con le nuove generazioni post Covid-19 ” ((Re)designing the school with the new post Covid-19 generations) will be awarded.

“La Festa dell’Architetto” and school architecture as a project for the future

Building education. Planning schools as a measurement of the future” is the title of the 2020 edition of the "Festa dell’Architetto", and, as the title suggests, “the school” is the key theme in the event organised by Italy’s National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists (CNAPPC) and network of provincial orders.
Architect Giuseppe Cappochin, Chairman of the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists (CNAPPC), emphasises the fact that the changes under way today have made it indispensable to go beyond the “industrial” model of education, in which the school consisted of static classrooms and face-to-face teaching, anachronistic in relation to today’s facilities with a new diversified approach to learning and spaces designed to permit “active” teaching.
“What we are proposing,” says Cappochin, “is wide-ranging reflection on the impact of architectural decisions on active learning, well-being and socialisation. An opportunity to emphasise that construction of the future and the lives of the new generations is a matter of planning and vision: in other words, of architecture”.

The festival, underway in Rome until January 29, offers a packed calendar of meetings and round tables on issues pertaining to school design, successful case histories and their impact on their urban surroundings. A number of locations in the city of Rome are hosting events, but in view of travel restrictions and the need for physical distancing as a result of the continuing covid-19 pandemic, the events are all being live-streamed on the festival’s website.
The Festa dell'Architetto will close with the presentation of the prizes: the Italian architect” award goes to the “H – CAMPUS project in Roncade (TV)” (team leader architect Mariano Zanon), “Young Talent in Italian Architecture” will be presented to the “School with lodgings in Nosy Be, Madagascar” (team leader architect Edoardo Capuzzo Dolcetta), and the two special mentions in the Special Prize for “(Re)designing the school with the new post Covid-19 generations” will be presented to two projects, “School as Civic Centre” (team leader architect Sergio De Gioia) and “100 BLOCKS” (team leader architect Alessandro Cacioppo).
January 28 will also see the “inauguration” of the CNAPPC virtual museum, an intangible place created to present the projects in the competition and organise exhibitions and presentations at a time of physical distancing, intended to become a permanent tool which the National Council will be able to continue using for providing remote content in the future. The museum may be visited in augmented reality using the app, and will open with exhibitions on “The best schools of the past five years featuring projects selected in the “ Italian Architect” contest. The second exhibition, “The best ideas and proposals for a forward-looking school”, regards projects selected for the “Young Talent in Italian Architecture” award and the Special Prize for “(Re)designing the school with the new post Covid-19 generations”. The winners of the “51 Innovative Schools Contest” will also be on display, as well as the work of children and teenagers who participated in the second edition of the project entitled “Abitare Il Paese - Living in Italy: the Culture of Demand. Children and teenagers design the near future”.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Festa dell'Architetto 2021
27-28-29 January 2021
streaming: https://architettiperilfuturo.it/

Images courtesy of Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori Photos by © Francesco Calandra © Oskar Da Riz, © João Morgado, © sb_ Simone Bossi Photographer, © Marco Zanta