
Going into school: ICS by Evolution Design

Evolution Design,

Schools & Universities,

In Switzerland they know how important it is to make sure kids enjoy their time at school, and the school building itself. And so the Inter-Community School in Zurich asked Evolution Design to redesign its entrance hall to make it a place for students to meet and study.

Going into school: ICS by Evolution Design

The school building itself is an important factor in determining the quality of education, but its importance is often overlooked. A beautiful school has a very different impact from an ugly school on the kids who attend it. This is why the Inter-Community School in Zurich asked the Swiss architects of Evolution Design to redesign the entrance to the school building. The existing entrance was a mere corridor, a non-space simply serving the function of circulation. Evolution Design was asked to transform it into a place for meeting and studying that would be attractive, encouraging students to stop and interact with one another and with the school building.

The kids who attend ICS are aged 3 to 18, and so the main challenge was to create a space that would be suitable for them all. The students, teachers and staff were involved in the design process, and the result is a brightly coloured series of poufs, low tables and hollows in the wall indicating the location of the corridor, forming a space in its own right thanks to use of a specially shaped mat. The entire space is decorated with brightly coloured graphics and the school colours. Thus a corridor instantly becomes a space with plenty of potential for use.

Francesco Cibati

Location: Zumikon, Switzerland
Year: 2017
Area: 120sqm
Design: Evolution Design
Project team: Tanya Ruegg, Natalia Maciejowska, Marco Noch, Mark Pinter
Photos: Evolution Design
