
Climate change and creativity webinar at Resilient Communities, Biennale di Venezia

Venice, Italy,


Iris Ceramica Group, Venice Biennale,

"Climate change and creativity" is the third appointment of the webinars promoted by the Iris Ceramica Group, within the Resilient Community - Italian Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia and organised by The Plan magazine. The theme of the webinar brings to the attention of the public the drastic need to adopt a transdisciplinary, visionary and radical approach, to find effective and innovative solutions that can reverse the course we are currently on and transform cities and communities into open systems, resilient to climate change.

Climate change and creativity webinar at Resilient Communities, Biennale di Venezia

COP26, the 26th "United Nations Climate Change Conference" will get underway on October 31 in Glasgow, Scotland. The hopes of many lie in the hands of the negotiations at COP26, awaiting to see if world leaders will be able to reach an agreement to keep the consequences of climate change under control.
On November 2 the webinar entitled "Climate change and creativity Iris Ceramica Group, within the Resilient Communities, Italian Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia and organised by the The Plan magazine, will discuss precisely “how to tackle climate change” in the field of architecture.
As per the previous two webinars, Nicola Leonardi from The Plan magazine will lead and mediate the discussion. The introduction to the theme from an architectural point of view of will be made by architect Alessandro Melis, curator of the Italian Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Biennale di Venezia. Professor Roberto Buizza, physicist/mathematician at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa will then follow, focusing on the aspects related to environmental problems and climatic emergencies. The webinar will continue with discussions with Panelists dr. Roman Frigg from the London School of Economics (UK), prof. Ed Keller Director of the Centre for Transformative Media at The New School and Associate Professor at Parsons The New School for Design in New York, prof. Telmo Pievani from the University of Padua, prof. Catherine Venart from Dalhousie University in Halifax (Canada) and prof. Giuseppe Longhi.
The theme of the webinar brings to the attention of the public the drastic need to adopt a transdisciplinary, visionary and radical approach, to find effective and innovative solutions that can reverse the course we have been on as humans and as a society since the industrial revolution, from the moment that global temperatures began to rise due to human action and subsequently, in a continuous crescendo, bringing us to our current condition.
Unlike historical Italian cities, which architect Alessandro Melis in fact referred to as an important example of resilience, modern architecture and planning have not mitigated these types of situations. On the contrary, in many cases, they have actually contributed to the creation of today’s critical conditions at a global level.
The average Italian city, to which two different webinars promoted by the Iris Ceramica Group and scheduled for November 10 and 17 will be dedicated is, on the other hand, considered a model of balance. Historical Italian cities are, indeed, a wealth of knowledge applied to resilience that can be drawn upon. They were, in fact, structured to perform several functions, intelligently integrating the physical environment with gardens and orchards for agri-food production in the urban fabric. We must find a way to reverse course and identify effective and innovative solutions that can transform our cities and communities into virtuous open systems, resilient to climate and social changes already underway. In this context, the architect plays a fundamental role of synthesis to transfer and transform transdisciplinary knowledge into visions of the future and therefore into design projects. This is precisely why – as it will be discussed in the seminar – it is crucial to create a network of creativity that can feed the imagination of the new generations of architects.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Climate Change and Creativity - November 2 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm(CET)
For information and registration
Chair: NICOLA LEONARDI - Co-founder & Managing Editor THE PLAN
Introduction – Architecture: Prof. ALESSANDRO MELIS Curator of the Italian Pavilion
Introduction – Climate: Prof. ROBERTO BUIZZA - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Dr. Roman Frigg
London School of Economics (UK)

Prof. Ed Keller | Director of the Centre for Transformative Media at The New School, and Associate Professor at Parsons The New School for Design

Prof. Telmo Pievani
University of Padua;
Topic: Climate Change and Biology

Prof. Catherine Venart
Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada)

Prof. Giuseppe Longhi

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