
Bundesgartenschau BUGA 2011 exhibition

Landscape, Sport & Wellness,


Atelier Dreiseitl specialises in landscape projects and hydrological planning for cities, and presented one of its projects combining art, technology and science at Bundesgartenschau BUGA 2011 in Koblenz.

Bundesgartenschau BUGA 2011 exhibition
The 2011 edition of the German biennial exhibition of gardening and landscape architecture Bundesgartenschau BUGA took place in Koblenz, a historic German city located at the confluence of the Rhine and the Moselle. For the exhibition held in the city?s big park, a number of playing fields were designed for adults and children, some of which were intended to remain and become an integral part of the park.

On the “Deutsches Eck” artificial promontory, located in the park near the confluence of the two rivers, Atelier Dreiseitl architectural studios designed an area entirely dedicated to children using materials from the DuPont™ Corian® line.

The project, as describd by Gerhard Hauber of Atelier Dreiseitl, is intended to attract visitors? attention to the water, presenting and permitting them to experience various different attractions linked with the water and rivers, such as dams, mills, canals, fountains, etc. The installation is designed to allow children to interact with water safely and also has an educational purpose: informing and educating them about the scarcity of this important natural resource.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Project: Atelier Dreiseitl architectural studios
Location: Koblenz, Germany
Images: @Atelier Dreiseitl, @BUGA Koblenz GmbH/Guth, @Henneke, courtesy of Dupont
