
Upcycling: Salt Restaurant by Emtiaz Designing Group, Iran.




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Upcycling: Salt Restaurant by Emtiaz Designing Group, Iran.
The designers from Iran-based firm, Emtiaz Designing Group have constructed a restaurant in Shiraz, Iran made from a naturally occurring material: the salt from local salt mines. The result is of course an intrinsically sustainable environment.

Take a natural material, in this case salt, and turn it into a restaurant, referencing the salt cave it came from. This is exactly what award-winning Iranian firm, Emtiaz Designing Group did when it designed “Salt Restaurant” in Shiraz.

The result is unexpected and striking and environmentally sustainable. The interiors twist and turn just like they do in the salt caves, with counters and walls made from salt, powder and rock – all green, locally sourced and affordable.

Salt is a natural disinfectant and the ions it releases also purify and filter the air, making it the perfect material for a restaurant. In this particular case, the walls, structural sculptures and ceilings are made from salt sourced from the nearby salt mines and salt lake of Shiraz which was mixed with natural gum to harden it. The tables are handcrafted from rock salt, and recycled aluminium soft drink cans were used to surface the stairs and chair frames, one more way of keeping down the carbon footprint.

The sculpted ambience of this restaurant will really blow you away, and instead of sprinkling the salt on your food … you eat, drink and sit on it.

Project: Emtiaz Designing Group
Location: Shiraz, Iran
Year: 2011
Photography: Courtesy of Emtiaz Designing Group