
Picaroon and The Tangible Orchestra. Sound and space.


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Picaroon and The Tangible Orchestra. Sound and space.
The artists from Picaroon have created Tangible Orchestra, a conceptual space and sound experience that has been nominated in the Artist of the Year 2014 category of London’s 3D Printshow Global Awards. Tangible proof of the synergy between sound and space, which opens up new perspectives in different art and design areas.

3D printing is the latest design frontier. The theme of the 3D Printshow being held from 4 to 6 September 2014, is dedicated to this brand new technology with great possibilities for the world of architecture and design.

Livegreenblog chatted with Rebecca Gischel from the Picaroon group, a young, Edinburgh-based creative start-up that wants to have a lasting impact on people. It develops and delivers interactive experiences combining different forms of art to deliver messages, by engaging people and inspiring them to participate and interact.

Picaroon are really excited about their latest installation, Tangible Orchestra, a conceptual project that puts electronic music in three dimensional space. Seven cylinders fitted with brand new technology, each one playing a different tune every time a person passes through the installation. The more people there are, the more music they make, turning it into a concert experience.

Tangible Orchestra combines the experience of sound with the concept of space and sight, and Picaroon has come up with a novel interactive experience to engage passersby (video Edinburgh), in the hope, as Rebecca Gischler says, “that people will be as fascinated by the concept as we are!”

After London, Tangible Orchestra will be touring Berlin, at the Music Tech Fest and New York. 
You can vote for your Artist of the Year 2014 in the 3D Printshow Global Awards until 4 September 2014.

(Christiane Bürklein)

The Tangible Orchestra
Art, Concept and Development: Picaroon, Rebecca Gischel & Sebastian Walter http://www.picaroon.eu/
Find out more about the project: http://www.picaroon.eu/tangible_orchestra.html
Nomination at the 3D Printshow Global Awards - http://3dprintshow.com/global-awards/artist-of-the-year/tangible-orchestra/
For voting: http://3dprintshow.com/global-awards/artist-of-the-year/
Garage http://vimeo.com/88592152
Edinburgh http://vimeo.com/94741950
Glasgow Science Centre http://vimeo.com/104406040
Technology: 3D Printing, Arduino, Processing, Ultrasonic Sensors, LEDs
Images © Omar Barko, courtesy of Picaroon