
Tribute to Mondrian on an urban scale, Den Haag

Theo van Doesburg,


Bar, Exhibitions,



To celebrate the centenary of the De Stijl abstract art movement whose most famous representatives are Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg, The Hague's city council decided to honour the former with an installation on an urban scale, on the facades of its city hall.

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Tribute to Mondrian on an urban scale, Den Haag To celebrate the centenary of the De Stijl abstract art movement whose most famous representatives are Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg, The Hague's city council decided to honour the former with an installation on an urban scale, on the facades of its city hall.

“The largest Mondrian painting in the world” is how they describe the installation with bold black horizontal and vertical lines encasing blocks of striking, very bright red, yellow and blue that are decorating the facades of the town hall in Den Haag - The Hague - in the Netherlands. A knockout way to celebrate the centenary of the Dutch art movement called De Stijl (the Style), for which Piet Mondrian and his unmistakeable geometric style was one of the leading representatives.
The city hall facade is just the first in a series of similar Mondrian-inspired works planned for Den Haag to celebrate the great artist. These include floating cubical pontoons on the Hofvijver, the small lake in front of the centuries-old Dutch parliament, turning the city space into a place to promote artists, a place for cultural storytelling.
For anyone who's planning a visit to Den Haag and loves art, we recommend a tour of the city looking for the “De Stijl” theme facades, as well as a visit to the Gemeentemuseum, centre of the programmes going by the name “Mondrian to Dutch Design. 100 years of De Stijl” for the centenary celebrations of the art movement launched in 1917. The museum houses the largest collection of works by Dutch artist Piet Mondrian (1872-1944), with more than 300 paintings in addition to one of the largest collections of De Stijl artworks. 
Some of the museum initiatives include “Piet Mondrian and Bart van der Leck. Inventing a New Art” and the exhibition “The Discovery of Mondrian. Amsterdam, Paris, London, New York”, again dedicated to the great artist, as well as the exhibition “The Architecture and Interiors of De Stijl”. A great opportunity to find out how much art influenced the lifestyle of those years.

Christiane Bürklein

Den Haag, the Netherlands
Exhibitions at the Gemeentemuseum
“The Discovery of Mondrian. Amsterdam, Paris, London, New York” , 3.6. - 24.9.2017 https://www.gemeentemuseum.nl/en/exhibitions/discovery-mondrian
“The Architecture and Interiors of De Stijl”, 10.6. - 17.9.2017
Pictures of the City Hall - courtesy City of Den Haag
Gemeentemuseum: Piet Mondrian, Composition in colour B, 1917, oil on canvas, 50,5 x 45 cm. Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo.
Atelier Van Lieshout, Henry, the Statistocrat, 2016. Photos: Gerrit Schreurs