
Greencity Milan 2015, with Livegreenblog

Paolo Rosselli,


Landscape, Expo,

The zero edition of the initiative Greencity Milan takes place on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th October and is an occasion to explore the city outside the EXPO context and discover a widespread active green movement.

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  3. Greencity Milan 2015, with Livegreenblog

Greencity Milan 2015, with Livegreenblog The zero edition of the initiative Greencity Milan takes place on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th October and is an occasion to explore the city outside the EXPO context and discover a widespread active green movement.

#GreenCityMilano, edition zero. The green core of the capital of Lombardy is put on show on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th October 2015. The initiative, launched by the Municipality, involves the participation of 120 organising entities: a really remarkable figure which demonstrates the willingness to go green and how widespread it actually is. 

GreenCity Milan is an event aimed at creating tangible points of contact between the green situations that already exist in Milan, often on a neighbourhood or even just a block scale, and to further include the population which is very interested in fostering green ideas, according to those who are already involved in green issues in Milan.

Over three hundred events scattered all over the city portray green Milan, the active and shared activities, gardens, vegetable plots, community gardens and parks: a truly unique occasion to learn  about a relatively unknown side of Milan. In other words, Milan is not only EXPO 2015 but much more: a cosmopolitan city which is going back to its “farmer” roots, so to speak.

It will be lovely to explore the various streets, roads and avenues with green features. Livegreenblog will have a wander amongst the many presentations and we will definitely stop at “Green Street. A street to cultivate” located between via Orti, via della Braida and via della Commenda, which is an area from the past and possibly also the future - the green heart in the centre of old Milan.  

Christiane Bürklein

Greencity Milan,
from 2 to 4 October 2015
Images: Bosco Verticale by Paolo Rosselli, Parco Affori and Parco Sempione courtesy of Quarto Paesaggio, Via Braida courtesy of Green Street.
Programme and further information: http://www.greencitymilano.it/