
Going rural. Conversion in Belgium.

Brussels, Belgium,




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  3. Going rural. Conversion in Belgium.

Going rural. Conversion in Belgium.
A house that responds to the desire for country life, adding a contemporary style and sustainable living. Giuseppe Farris designed the refurbishment of an old farmhouse near Brussels.

(ph. Johan Jacobs)

We often hear that country life has its own indisputable charm, but who is actually willing to give up the advantages of infrastructure and its convenience?

(ph. Tim van de Velde)

Luckily, many of the modern architectural concepts do cover this desire to go back to the country, to engage with nature, in a completely contemporary style.

(ph. Johan Jacobs)

(ph. Tim van de Velde)

Antwerp-based architecture firm, by Italian architect Giuseppe Farris has come up with Lennik Farmhouse as a space for this return to country life, combining all the glamour of an inner city loft with local materials and close contact with the environment.

(ph. Tim van de Velde)

(ph. Johan Jacobs)
New, irregular window openings enliven the brick facades of the two old buildings, which now meet energy saving standards. Old and new are merged in the interiors, for a lifestyle based on bringing natural light into the large entertainment areas, thus projecting rural life into a future that harmoniously blends with tradition.

Project: Studio Farris Architects 
Location: Lennik, Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2013
Photography: Tim van de Velde, Johan Jacobs (as described)