
Bosco, an Italian restaurant in Berlin

Paolo Schianchi,

Bosco is a restaurant whose very name - the Italian word for woods - is the embodiment of nature and immediately conjures up the close ties between the cuisine and the natural ingredients used in the dishes served in a warm, friendly atmosphere created with the application of visual marketing.

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  3. Bosco, an Italian restaurant in Berlin

Bosco, an Italian restaurant in Berlin Bosco is a restaurant whose very name - the Italian word for woods - is the embodiment of nature and immediately conjures up the close ties between the cuisine and the natural ingredients used in the dishes served in a warm, friendly atmosphere created with the application of visual marketing.

Federico Testa and Francesco Righi, two young Italians, opened “Bosco” a restaurant in Kreuzberg. This warm, friendly eatery serves creative Italian cuisine featuring seasonal offerings that are all the rage in Berlin right now.

And the restaurant's ambience is definitely an added plus. Simple wooden tables, copper lightshades, a solid timber counter backed by a white tiled wall, with the artistic neon light rendering of the name "Bosco". So many attentively created details, including the wall decorations drawn by the hand of illustrator Michela Picchi who worked with Margot Pandone and Federico Testa on the restaurant's identity design and art direction.

From the Bosco sign to the menu lettering, owners Federico Testa and Francesco Righi adopted a forward-thinking Visual Marketing strategy, creating a place where, as Paolo Schianchi writes “the items become necessary for the creation of image-objects. … So, the resulting total vision is evaluated in the visual marketing system not so much for its pleasing aesthetics, as through how consistent it is with the taste and the language of the reference target; and in this way, the space is designed on the basis of the image-object desired”.

Bosco in Kreuzberg is emblematic of just this; here the idea and the project harmoniously blend to create a location where conviviality and design sit comfortably together - from the interior design to the actual presentation of the dishes created by chef Jacopo Ghiggini.

Christiane Bürklein

Project: Federico Testa and Francesco Righi
Identity design and l'art direction: Michela Picchi http://www.michelapicchi.com/ Margot Pandone http://margotpandone.com/ 
Location: Wrangelstraße, Kreuzberg. Berlin
Link: http://boscoberlin.com/
Year: 2015
Photography: Federico Testa
Chef: Jacopo Ghiggini