
Architecture for ceramic coverings

Sport & Wellness, Companies,

Porcelain Tile,

Fiandre focuses on the ideas produced by dialogue, in a stand surrounded by white walls and tiles from the Maximum Extralite collection. Porcelain tiles become a key element in architectural design.

Architecture for ceramic coverings

An all-white space to sit and talk in, giving all the attention to the presentation of Fiandre’s Maximum Extralite ceramic surfaces. This sums up Fiandre’s stand at the latest Cersaie trade fair.

A place to get together and talk about all aspects of design, from theory to the practice of building, from innovative design for 300X150 porcelain tiles to research into new finishes and solid colours. A total experience created by ceramics, featuring big white spaces like blank sheets of paper on which to draw ideas and an exhibition space designed by Archilinea.

For those who missed the show, it is worth noting the high visual impact of the raised walkway from which to view ceramic coverings on one side and an overview of how people and ideas work in the company on the other.


Images courtesy of Fiandre ph. Oscar Ferrari