Tag Terra Cruda

Tarabot by theOtherDada: Biodiversity and sustainability at the Jameel Arts Centre for COP28


Tarabot by theOtherDada: Biodiversity and sustainability at the Jameel Arts Centre for COP28

Tarabot: Weaving A Living Forum, inspired by an idea by architect Adib Dada of studioOtherDada in Beirut, is a sustainable pavilion inaugurated during COP28 at the Jameel Arts Centre in Dubai. Made with locally sourced materials such as clay, mycelium, date palm waste and upcycled fabric, the pavilion incarnates a circular, ecological ethic and promotes biodiversity.

TOVA 3D printed house in local earth by IAAC


TOVA 3D printed house in local earth by IAAC

The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) presents Spain's first 3D printed building using earth. The building, constructed using a Crane WASP – the architectural 3D printer – illustrates new ways of addressing the social and environmental challenges of the future through the IAAC’s various education and research programs.

Wallmakers designs a church with catenary arches in clay bricks


Wallmakers designs a church with catenary arches in clay bricks

In the Southern region of Kerala, in India, the Wallmakers studio completed the project for an Orthodox church built by using only catenary arches and stabilised clay bricks.