Tag Shantou, China

Dining late in Shantou styled by JG PHOENIX


Dining late in Shantou styled by JG PHOENIX

Late Night Kitchen is the name of the newest project by Chinese studio JG PHOENIX, founded by Ye Hui. A restaurant that offers not only food but also a unique atmosphere for relaxation. Using traditional materials and styles creates a gastronomic destination that is also a refuge for the mind. 

Yin and Yang for a showroom designed by JG Phoenix


Yin and Yang for a showroom designed by JG Phoenix

The interior designers of the Chinese studio Jingu Phoenix Space Planning Organization are the creatives behind the Danilo Paint showroom for paints and colours in Shantou. The interiors are informed by the ancient Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang, based on the idea that opposing forces can actually be complementary or interconnected.