Tag Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Mecanoo’s Kaohsiung station is being completed


Mecanoo’s Kaohsiung station is being completed

Work is in progress on the new railway station in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, designed by Mecanoo: a railway hub that reconnects a city that had been divided by the railway line.

Biosphere by Chain10, bioclimatic offices


Biosphere by Chain10, bioclimatic offices

With Biosphere, the architects from Chain10 Architecture&Interior Design Institute have designed an office building that proactively responds to the weather and environmental conditions in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, striving to incorporate as many sustainable and eco-friendly principles as possible.

Wuguan Books, an unusual bookstore by Chu Chih-kang Space Design


Wuguan Books, an unusual bookstore by Chu Chih-kang Space Design

A bookstore right off the contemporary architecture tracks: Wuguan Books by Chu Chih-kang Space Design in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan is nothing at all like the current wave of huge, hyper-technological bookstores.

	A city covered with metal: Arts Centre in Kahosiung, Taiwan


A city covered with metal: Arts Centre in Kahosiung, Taiwan

Mecanoo are building an arts centre for music and drama in Kahosiung, Taiwan, a large-scale project employing a simple, effective, high impact technology.