Tag Jordi Surroca

Battleiroig redesigns a Barcelona cemetery


Battleiroig redesigns a Barcelona cemetery

Multidisciplinary studio Battleiroig worked on Roques Blanques Metropolitan Cemetery in Collserola Nature Park in El Papiol, Barcelona. Cluster number 6 of the cemetery’s 7 clusters, designed as a 122-hectare garden, was developed on the basis of a respect for and conservation of the environment, offering new ways of remembering the dead.

Batlle i Roig wins Landscape of the Year at 2018 World Architecture Festival


Batlle i Roig wins Landscape of the Year at 2018 World Architecture Festival

We were very pleased to learn that Catalan-based firm Batlle i Roig won the Landscape of the Year award at the 2018 World Architecture Festival in Amsterdam.

A bike path by Batlle i Roig


A bike path by Batlle i Roig

Catalan architecture firm Batlle i Roig has designed an 890-metre-long bike path in Barcelona that connects various urban environments to make them more liveable and sustainable.