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The image is an object: Floornature goes to VisCom.


The image is an object: Floornature goes to VisCom.

At the 25th VisCom Italia 2013, the visual communications trade fair held October 3 through 5 at the trade fair centre in Rho, Floornature explored the power of digital printing as an aid in design.

Minimal ceramics


Minimal ceramics

An example of porcelain tiles on show to represent contemporary living: Eiffelgres continues its refined study of solid colours and textures in tiles.

Floornature at Cersaie with porcelain stoneware, Moneo and TYIN Tegnestue


Floornature at Cersaie with porcelain stoneware, Moneo and TYIN Tegnestue

On 25th September 2013, at CERSAIE in Bologna, the Floornature editorial team met architect Yashar Hanstad of TYIN Tegnestue and visited stands by Ariostea, Eiffelgres, Graniti Fiandre, IRIS Ceramica e FMG and Porceliangres.

Helsinki Design Week Diary


Helsinki Design Week Diary

Architect Shoko Murakaji, winner of the second Next Landmark contest’s First Work category, kept a diary of his experience at Helsinki Design Week offering a designer’s eye view of the Finnish capital.

CERSAIE - International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings


CERSAIE - International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings

Meetings with world-renowned architects and a lectio magistralis by Rafael Moneo are among the most exciting events coming up at CERSAIE, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings, scheduled for September 23 through 27 2013 at Bologna Exhibition Centre.

ViTre Studio: new Sisma premises in Piovene Rocchette


ViTre Studio: new Sisma premises in Piovene Rocchette

Sisma appointed ViTre Studio to construct its new headquarters in the province of Vicenza, and the project won second prize in the Renzo Piano Foundation Award. Accomplished by a 14-strong team of designers, the shape and the choice of materials for the industrial unit architecture reflect its setting. The plant systems adopted take into account the values of sustainability, earning the work Class A energy performance certification.

Archohm designs office interiors in India


Archohm designs office interiors in India

The architects of Archohm have designed the office interiors for an Indian company, DSC Corporate Office.

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