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Light installation by Matthias Oostrik in Assen


Light installation by Matthias Oostrik in Assen

Using the “De Maten” railway underpass in the Dutch city of Assen is a unique experience. The light installation called Een Spoor van Water—A Trail of Water—by the artist Matthias Oostrik lights up every time a train passes overhead and symbolically connects to the city’s waterways. An artistic expression that helps to pre-empt the atmosphere of a non-place often associated with these infrastructures.

Powerhouse Company and De Zwarte Hond complete the new Assen Station


Powerhouse Company and De Zwarte Hond complete the new Assen Station

A new and iconic triangular wooden roof is the trademark of the new Assen Station, which has become the gateway to this Dutch city. This recently-completed project is the work of architecture firms Powerhouse Company and De Zwarte Hond, who decided to include a bold urban feature which seems to float above the buildings below it and which connects two districts of the city.