Tag Alessio Guarino

Luca Gnizio‘s Forsoultree sculpture for reconnecting with nature


Luca Gnizio‘s Forsoultree sculpture for reconnecting with nature

Eco-social artist Luca Gnizio transformed a fallen tree in Fiesole’s Monte Ceceri Monumental Park into a circular artwork. True to the principle of the three „R’s“, reduce - reuse – recycle, Forsoultree is a sculpture that invites people to enter into contact with nature in the womb of a tree.

Sabrina Masala designs In Cibum - Advanced School for Gastronomic Training


Sabrina Masala designs In Cibum - Advanced School for Gastronomic Training

In Cibum is the Advanced School for Gastronomic Training in Pontecagnano (in the province of Salerno, in Italy) designed by architect Sabrina Masala for a company operating in the training and recruitment sectors. The architect transformed a former carpentry shop housed in one of the many prefabricated sheds with no architectural value scattered throughout Campania’s industrial suburbs, into an elegant building that performs the multiple functions of the training school and plays an important role in terms of communication.