
Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown at The Architects Series

Hawkins Brown,


The Architects Series, Iris Ceramica Group,

Architects Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown, founders of the studio HawkinsBrown, will be the subject of the twentieth event in "The Architects Series – A documentary on: HawkinsBrown", organised by The Plan magazine for the Iris Ceramica Group and broadcast in live streaming on November 18. The screening of the video documentary about the studio will be followed by the two architects' lecture "Who do we think we are?".

Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown at The Architects Series

The twentieth episode in the The Architects Series, the series organised by The Plan magazine for Iris Ceramica Group, will be live streamed on November 18. The new episode focuses on the studio HawkinsBrown Architects, and for the first time the webinar will be broadcast from the Iris Ceramica Group's London flagship store, while a selected group of guests will be present in the Group's stores in Milan and Berlin.

As in the previous events in the series, the documentary film by The Plan opens the doors of HawkinsBrown's studio to reveal what goes on behind the scenes in the architects' projects and how they work. The studio founded in London in 1988 by architects Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown rose to prominence on the world scene with projects combining advanced technology with an in-depth understanding of their socio-cultural context. The studio has designed buildings of different types from its five offices (in London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Los Angeles and Dublin): homes, universities, cultural and retail buildings, offices, masterplans, infrastructure and transportation facilities. HawkinsBrown Architects was appointed by Crossrail Limited (Transport of London) to design three stations on London's new Elizabeth Line B. The studio's projects include such complex constructions as Tiger Way in Hackney, an innovative mixed-use project combining a primary school with a kindergarten and 89 residential units on the same site. The project has won a number of awards, the most recent of which include the RIBA National Award 2021 and the RIBA London Award 2021, and been shortlisted for the RIBA Client of the Year award.
In Tiger Way, the school and housing block share the same three-storey plinth, occupying the entire site. The school is located on the northern side of the area, and its wall on the street is not a solid curtain, but a porous boundary mediating the new building's relationship with the buildings already standing around it and providing direct access to sports and outdoor facilities. The residential units occupying the southern end are located in two separate towers that rise from the plinth and face Hackney Downs Park and the “fifth elevation” of Tiger Way: the roof of the school, on which the architects have created pleasant outdoor play areas.

On the basis of the well-established format of The Architects Series, the screening of the documentary film about the studio and its current projects will be followed by a lecture entitled "Who do we think we are?" by the studio's two founders, architects Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown, who will then field questions from the audience.

(Agnese Bifulco)


Giovedì, 18 Novembre 2021 / Thursday, November 18, 2021
18:30 / Welcome e proiezione del video-documentario / Welcome and screening of the video-documentary
The Architects Series – A documentary on: HawkinsBrown
19:00 Conferenza: “Who do we think we are?” con Roger Hawkins e Russell Brown / Lecture: “Who do we think we are?” with Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown

La partecipazione permette agli architetti di acquisire 2 crediti formativi professionali
Participation entitles architects to 2 professional training credits.

Per partecipare al webinar “The Architects Series – A documentary on: HawkinsBrown” C( necessario registrarsi al seguente link.
To take part in the webinar “The Architects Series – A documentary on: HawkinsBrown” you must register at the following link.

(01,02) Images and video courtesy of The PlanB
(03-07) Images courtesy of HawkinsBrown and RIBA, photos by Jack Hobhouse