
Rocco Valentini plans the restoration of Palazzo Monaco

Rocco Valentini,

Chieti, Italy,


Rocco Valentini is an architect specialising in old buildings, to which he manages to restore freshness by combining attentive recovery with renewal through use of materials. In this particular project he restored Palazzo Monaco in the province of Chieti.

Rocco Valentini plans the restoration of Palazzo Monaco

Palazzo Monaco is a 14th century building in Crecchio, in the province of Chieti. Architect Rocco Valentini was asked to restore the building, which had been abandoned for many years. The goal of the project was to reuse and redevelop the spaces in the building and restore it to its original splendour.

After an initial phase of static consolidation necessary to make the complex safe again, the spaces were enhanced by restoring the dignity of the stone and brick paraments and facilitating interpretation of the building’s historic and functional evolution.
Every part of the building was worked on meticulously, focusing on use of natural light. Many parts of the construction were restored by protecting the windows with corten steel and glass, elements capable of giving the building a contemporary look without compromising its historical identity.

Francesco Cibati

Location: Crecchio, Chieti, Italy
Year: 2002-2016
Design: Rocco Valentini
Photos: Courtesy of the architect
