
RIGENERA Fare con Architecture festival

Reggio Emilia, Italy,


mediapartner, Event,

18 July saw the presentation of the second edition of Rigenera, the architecture festival conceived by the Reggio Emilia Order of Architects, entitled "Fare con". Floornature is the media partner of the festival, which will kick off on 22 September in Reggio Emilia and its province with ten days of conferences, urban walks, workshops and other activities.

RIGENERA Fare con Architecture festival

"Fare con" (Do with) is the title chosen for the second edition of Rigenera,the architecture festival organised by the Reggio Emilia Order of Architects, co-organised with the Municipality and Province of Reggio Emilia. This title leaves no doubt as to the inspiring principles of this new edition and the trait d'union of the initiatives which, during the ten days of the festival, will enliven Reggio Emilia and a number of towns in its province in the name of architecture. It is an engaging programme that Floornature decided to support as media partner of the event.
The Rigenera Architecture Festival will kick off on 22 September with the introductory conference dedicated to the New European Bauhaus, the cultural and interdisciplinary initiative created to introduce the European Green Deal to the everyday living spaces and experience of all citizens, to build and imagine a sustainable future together. In the following days, until 1 October, conferences, urban walks, workshops and other activities will take place, including the second edition of theRigenera Award. This prize is given to urban regeneration projects carried out in the last seven years, starting from 1 January 2015. Competing works should be an incentive to “do with” what you have at your disposal, not in a reductive sense but rather to do better. The participation and registration procedures are already available on the relevant pages. In 2020, the Rigenera prize was awarded to architect Michelangelo Pugliese who, through a low-cost participatory design project, regenerated a marginal infrastructure, a strip of concrete covering the local stream, transforming it into a new urban park and creating a new focus for the entire community of San Roberto, in the province of Reggio Calabria.
The "Do with" in the title of the Rigenera Architecture Festival also refers to a series of initiatives aimed at a broader public, to create synergies between the community and planners, contributing to a greater dissemination of the discipline. These include: “STUDI CON - Gli studi di architettura incontrano il commercio”, (STUDI CON - Architectural studios meet commerce) which will see architects come out of their studios to display their projects in shops in the city centre and create a workshop throughout the city. Lastly, considering the theme in a social sense, understanding urban regeneration also as human regeneration, there will be initiatives held in collaboration with the "Reggio Emilia Città senza barriere" (Reggio Emilia City without Barriers) project, which sees the Emilia municipality committed to building places and spaces for everyone, including the most fragile. The full calendar of initiatives, panels and guests will be unveiled in the coming weeks.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Rigenera – 2020 edition

RIGENERA Fare con Architecture festival - 2nd edition
22 September – 1 October 2022

Announcement of the Rigenera Award 2022 https://www.rigenerareggioemilia.it/premio-rigenera-2022/