
Rigenera Architecture Festival and Quality Suburban Places

Reggio Emilia, Italy,


The "Rigenera - Fare con" architecture festival is approaching, the rich calendar of events set to kick off on September 22 with the introductory conference dedicated to the New European Bauhaus. The Festival will be preceded by a number of events and by two scheduled competitions: Rigenera and Quality Suburban Places.

Rigenera Architecture Festival and Quality Suburban Places

From September 22 to October 1 Rigenera, the architecture festival organised by the Reggio Emilia Order of Architects and co-organised with the Municipality and Province of Reggio Emilia is set to take place, followed by Floornature as media partner of the event. The title chosen for this second edition, "Fare con" (Do with) plays on a double meaning. On the one hand, it serves as an immediate and explicit call for community sharing and participation in urban regeneration projects. On the other, as emphasised by the related competition notice, it is an invitation to "do with what we have at our disposal, not in a reductive sense but rather to do better". The intent is to pay attention to what is already there, to see if it is possible to give new value to the existing context through regeneration, encompassing in this term the combination of three complementary and interdependent factors: new, useful and beautiful. To bring these works to the attention of the public, the festival opted for a prize format.
The Regenera Award is thus aimed at projects, implemented and completed after January 1, 2015, which incorporate and express concrete meaning in terms of regeneration. The prize, whose application deadline was recently extended to September 13 at Noon, is open to individual or associated professionals, architecture or engineering companies and public administrations. At the same time a second prize – "Quality Suburban Places" – has also been promoted by the Festival, aimed at enhancing the value of spaces "characterised by an innate artistic, cultural, political and social depth in national cities and urban contexts". In fact, the prize looks to explore that part of the area of contemporary cities defined as suburbs, outskirts, sprawl, periurbanity, in search of what have been defined as "quality suburban places". Areas that, in fact, have a poetic value, that arouse wonder and amazement, and that are alive in the memory of those who visit or spend time in them. Places to stay in or meet that often develop independently of the regulatory or planning rules of municipal administrations, where architecture or art represent only a starting point to a narrative built over time by the physical and affective presence of people. Applications can be submitted by Thursday, September 15, 2022. The winners will be awarded with the inclusion of the places in the Quality Suburban Places Critical Atlas, which will be available online in digital form and will be managed by the Architects Foundation of Reggio Emilia.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Rigenera

Rigenera - Fare con Architecture festival - 2nd edition
September 22 – October 1, 2022