
Renato Arrigo design ideas wanted for Messina

Renato Arrigo,

Sport & Wellness,

Architect Renato Arrigo of Messina came up with a special way of saying happy new year to his city, with the “AAA idee da progettare cercasi” project for participatory architecture: “AA design ideas wanted” invited the people of Messina to submit and share their ideas for the city.

Renato Arrigo design ideas wanted for Messina

Architect Renato Arrigo launched “Happy New Year Messina - AAA design ideas wanted” on social media. The Messina-based architect invited his fellow citizens to submit feasible proposals for the city between January 1 and February 28, from which to choose ideas to be translated into architectural projects and given to the city government for serious consideration of their implementation.

Response was enthusiastic, with more than 700 proposals and comments submitted in a very short time.
Three of the ideas presented were selected to go on to the next stage, including architect Renato Arrigo’s proposed implementation of an idea suggested by Vittoria Arena for bike sharing in Piazza Unione Europea. The project includes “five stations with an architectural system that is by no means invasive”, as the architect himself describes it, “with a structure on the pavement containing a system for hooking up and releasing bicycles”, which attracted an immediate response in the social media, attracting interest from television, blogs and local media.
The hope is that the project’s success in the social media will be followed by real interest on the part of the local authorities in implementing the idea and giving the city of Messina a bike sharing service.

(Agnese Bifulco)
