
Iris Ceramica Group at Cersaie 2022: an invitation to discover a new dawn of ceramics

Bologna, Italy,

Cersaie, Iris Ceramica Group,

Iris Ceramica Group will be actively involving visitors to Cersaie 2022 in an interactive experience entitled Shaping the Future: a message about sustainability outlining the path to “a new dawn of ceramics”: 4D Ceramics.

Iris Ceramica Group at Cersaie 2022: an invitation to discover a new dawn of ceramics

Iris Ceramica Group is a pioneer in the area of sustainability, and the Group’s exhibition concept for Cersaie 2022 is a clear message underlining the path to "a new dawn of ceramics": 4D Ceramics. At stand A-188 B-189, hall 26 of Cersaie 2022, the Group’s Ecopreneur spirit is expressed in a truly unique project inspired by the elements that gave origin to life, the sun and water, continuing with an exploration of green hydrogen, needed to power H2Factory™, the world’s first green hydrogen-powered ceramics factory, due to begin operation by the end of 2022.
The stand invites visitors to participate actively in a voyage of discovery, involving them in an interactive experience learning about the origins of green hydrogen.
From the stars to the Earth, from Iris Ceramica Group’s new production facility to creation of the world’s most sustainable surface coverings: 4D Ceramics. The concept of "Shaping the future" is the common thread of a multi-site event that will be held at the Cersaie stand and the Group brands’ showrooms. Three installations entitled "Mirror Cube" involve visitors in a video-immersive experience, taking them into an imaginary world framed by “Sustainable Conviviality” events.

The exhibition expresses the values of sustainability and respect for people and the environment that have been inspiring the Group for more than 60 years. The welcome square is an airy space designed as a meeting point, a place for regenerating the spirit, to the advantage of personal well-being, also thanks to the presence of eco-active Active Surfaces®.
The lines describing the spaces are essential and harmonious, an explicit reference to the balance and classic proportions alluded to in the amphitheatre embracing and enclosing the central installation. The central architectural elements symbolically represent the sun and water, metaphorically joined in an interactive maxi-video evoking the renewable energy sources employed in H2Factory™. The exhibition continues with a 4-step interactive path, created around a succession of conceptual totems helping visitors to discover the wonders hidden behind the birth of green hydrogen and its use.
A scientific experience to be lived first-hand, activating natural and technological process with an airy wave of the hand, thanks to touch-sensitive surfaces applied to coverings and furnishings which, when lightly touched, allow users to discover another Iris Ceramica Group innovation: Hypertouch. In its showrooms, the Group’s technological research for re-engineering ceramics is also expressed in the new backlit surfaces, on show for the first time.

The values of sustainability and the pioneering spirit that have always guided and inspired Iris Ceramica Group’s business ventures, and the actions and innovations currently underway, are expressed in concrete form in Shaping the Future.