
Dwek Architects’ G House

Brussels, Belgium,


Time passes but architecture remains, as demonstrated by G House. Renovated by Olivier Dwek, the early 20th century building still proudly shows off the antique features that distinguish it, mediated by the Belgian architect’s contemporary taste.

Dwek Architects’ G House

Olivier Dwek is fascinated with stratification of different meanings and styles in architecture. And this is what makes his restoration of G House, built in Brussels in 1907 to plans by Kielbaey and L’Anvre, unique; the building’s entire history is still visible.

The Belgian architect’s intention for the renovation project was to preserve the ancient charm of Art Nouveau and reconcile it with today’s tastes. And so the early 20th century decorations and finishes, false ceilings and railings have been preserved, but the floor, furniture and abstract paintings instantly bring us back to 2016.

What really stands out about the project is the harmony with which the two ages in history come together, creating an elegant, sophisticated hybrid in which the classic and the contemporary do not cancel one another out. In this project Olivier Dwek manages to reconcile different styles while preserving their separate identities.

Francesco Cibati

Location: Brussels, Belgium
Design: Olivier Dwek – Dwek Architects
Images: Courtesy of the architect
