
In recent decades, design has contaminated a number of sectors of creative work. This series focuses on the scenarios of future trends, investigating their infinite expressive potential through issues of contemporary relevance and discussions with international designers. A window on the future, to understand and describe how much the world of design is changing, from techniques to new materials, from interiors to installations, from experimentation to contamination with art. In the final analysis, a section all about forecasting and trendsetting in design.

Objects of Desire: Surrealism inspires design


Objects of Desire: Surrealism inspires design

The Surrealists never really went away. They are still among us: fashion and furniture designers, photographers and graphic artists. An exhibition in London proves it, bringing together more than 350 items that have made their way into the everyday unconscious, from Man Ray to Dalí, from Schiaparelli to Dior, from Ingo Maurer to Campana and...

Design is Systemic Innovation: a paradigm-changing new book


Design is Systemic Innovation: a paradigm-changing new book

This year, Syracuse-based publishing house LetteraVentidue published a book penned by four researchers from the Innovation Design Lab in Turin. Entitled ‘Il Design è innovazione sistemica’, it focuses on the need to design - and thus make sustainable - not only form and function, but also innovation itself and the reasonings behind...

What design has to say to the present


What design has to say to the present

The proof that design is culture, and therefore a tool for deciphering our times, may be found at the ADI Design Museum in Milan, where all the projects and products that have won Compasso d’Oro awards are gathered together. A new exhibition entitled “Presente Permanente” focuses on precursors of the...

The Horror Show! at London’s Somerset House explores fifty years of creative rebellion


The Horror Show! at London’s Somerset House explores fifty years of creative rebellion

October 27 sees the opening of a “scary” exhibition at London’s Somerset House: The Horror Show! A Twisted Tale of Modern Britain. The exhibition, curated by Iain Forsyth, Jane Pollard and Claire Catterall, explores how ideas rooted in horror have informed the last fifty years of creative rebellion in Britain, with a long list of participating artists and more than 200 works on display....

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