
Cancer - 2011 Summer Horoscope


Sport & Wellness,

“Travelling must involve sacrifice of an ordinary programme in favour of chance, the renunciation of the everyday for the extraordinary, and must be a truly personal structuring of our convictions.”
Hermann Hesse (writer and poet)

Cancer - 2011 Summer Horoscope “Travelling must involve sacrifice of an ordinary programme in favour of chance, the renunciation of the everyday for the extraordinary, and must be a truly personal structuring of our convictions.”

Mars is in your sign, encouraging enterprise, while the positive effect of Jupiter expands your horizons and your willingness to take action, to grow and expand. At work, Saturn suggests this is the right time to face up to situations that are not working very well in a rational way. The discovery that you can desire and implement projects which you had not even taken into consideration in the past because of sterile preconceptions is the key to your success. Your interpersonal relations will enjoy a warm, pleasant climate, and your boldness will be rewarded with stimulating new encounters both at work and in your private life. You will certainly be gratified if you can allow yourself a trip to Shanghai.