
WorldWithoutArchitect? Technology and architecture


Can you imagine a world without architects? A provocative question that in the “WorldWithoutArchitect?” project becomes a new way for us to explore how we perceive and interact with architecture, through a group of young Latvian architects and tech professionals who go by the name Go VR studio.

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WorldWithoutArchitect? Technology and architecture Can you imagine a world without architects? A provocative question that in the “WorldWithoutArchitect?” project becomes a new way for us to explore how we perceive and interact with architecture, through a group of young Latvian architects and tech professionals who go by the name Go VR studio.

I think everyone at some point has asked themselves the question “WorldWithoutArchitect?”, namely how different would our world be if there were no architects who draw on their design skills to give us serene, liveable environments that everyone can occupy. Of course, it's also a natural question to ask when you look at all the horrible urban planning and architectural mistakes you can see all over the world. 

So, why not exploit technological progress and use its infinite possibilities, especially those provided by simulations in virtual worlds? This truly innovative approach has led the Latvian architects behind the interdisciplinary group “Go VR Studio”(architects and technical professionals) to develop the TAB-Lab exhibition on the research and innovation of TAB2015, a project that draws attention to a theme that we hold very dear: engaging and empowering non-architects in the world of design.

“WorldWithoutArchitect?” uses VR Oculus Rift headsets so users can completely immerse themselves in a spatial world where they can build their own virtual reality the way they want it  Here you can explore the design space and you can even follow a guided path to build your own construction with a guidance of an architectural intelligence robot. This way, users who interact with Oculus Rift can get to know the language of architects, learn the fundamental elements of architecture and urban planning, and therefore gain a clearer understanding of what design really means. This is an extremely important breakthrough in our view of the art of architecture, all too often perceived as elitist in the past.

By adopting this somewhat playful approach, WWA? becomes a very powerful tool for educating and engaging citizens in architecture. In Tallinn, it was the linchpin of the TAB-Lab exhibition. Tested by children too of course, who turned out to be extremely skilled designers, even seeing their efforts rewarded with a 3D print model of their buildings. So, this creates a map that from the virtual becomes real again, in this increasingly flowing exchange between the various levels of reality. If appropriately used by our town planning authorities, “WorldWithoutArchitect?” could really revolutionise the world of architecture.

But don't start worrying yet, dear architects, this really is a virtual tool that won't steal anyone's jobs, in opposite will let your clients experience the building before its even been built, provide instant feedback and you can check the customers' satisfaction with result. This is explained by Gunita Kuļikovska, who initiated the idea and curated the project in the video that WWA? has just rolled out to spread their work, and that we are honoured to preview.

Christiane Bürklein

Video: https://vimeo.com/143756067
Twitter: @GoVR_studio
Gunita Kuļikovska - Initiator and curator  
Ēvalds Urtāns - Programmer  
Kaspars Kalnišs - ICT and tech solutions  
Leonards Kalniņš - Architect  
Madara Villere  - Architect
Madara Alaine - Managing assistant 
Gunvaldis Urtāns - 3D graphic design, animations, UX/UI 
Dāvis Štrams & Vladislava  Snurnikova - Multimedia solutions, video 
Elviss Stazdiņš - Programmer