
The Super-Natural installation by Han Seok Hyun

Shanghai, Mumbai,

The Megacities Asia exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston is hosting the environmental installation by Korean artist Han Seok Hyun made from green-coloured consumer packaged products.

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The Super-Natural installation by Han Seok Hyun The Megacities Asia exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston is hosting the environmental installation by Korean artist Han Seok Hyun made from green-coloured consumer packaged products.

Megacities are cities with a population of more than 10 million and a whopping 30 of these are in Asia. The Megacities Asia exhibition currently running at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), Boston showcases the problems of these huge urban sprawls - Beijing, Shanghai, Delhi, Mumbai and Seoul - through the artworks of eleven Asian artists. The artists use their art to comment on what is happening in these cities; their art becomes the medium for communicating the reality of the progressive, unstoppable urbanisation of these places.

At the MFA, but also spilling outside its walls, to get across the idea of the urban sprawl, visitors can walk under, through and even inside these large sculptures and installations that examine what it means to live in a Megacity. 

Korean artist Han Seok Hyun explores how we can reconcile the constant growth of megacities with environmental awareness that is also spreading through these metropolises, where nature is being overrun and fast becoming a mirage.

His project is called Super-Natural (2011-2016) and it uses green-coloured recyclable plastic packaging like old bottles of dishwashing detergent and rice wine to create an undulating landscape of green products. A clear reference to the lack of real nature in these cities, which also underscores the policy of “greenwashing” where products that are fundamentally harmful to the environment and that may not even be fresh follow Visual Marketing strategies and are shown in the clean colour of green to suggest they are natural and fresh.

Super-Natural by Han Seok Hyun is an installation that responds to the reality of megacities but it also sends a message to all consumers, easy prey to our desire for ongoing progress, hopefully with a low environmental impact, where the colour green is enough to keep our consciousness at bay when we make choices that we know perfectly well are not environmentally friendly at all.

Christiane Bürklein

Super-Natural by Han Seok Hyun
as part of MEGACITIES ASIA http://www.mfa.org/exhibitions/megacities-asia
Location: Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) Boston
Dates: 3 April to 17 July 2017
Images: courtesy of www.sparkplusart.com