
The “best of” Livegreenblog. Escaping the city.

Copenhagen, Denmark, Switzerland,


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The “best of” Livegreenblog. Escaping the city.
Holiday time, the need to getaway. Our examples show how far-off, exotic destinations are not the only places to escape to. With a dash of imagination there are lots of ways to indulge our desire to switch off from everyday life.

A tree house is certainly one of the most poetic options. German engineer, Andreas Wenning, indulged his passion for treetop retreats to offer projects like, “Between Alder and Oak”, to fulfil the desire for an eco-friendly getaway in the garden, without the need to travel far and closely engaging with nature.

On the other hand, Danish architect, Simon Hjermind Jensen aka shjworks drew inspiration from the constructions of nomads to design and build “Fire Shelter”, a temporary hut in Sydhavnstippen, Copenhagen: a former seabed that was wrested from the sea more than half a century ago when it became the dumping ground for landfill.
His design experiment has created a habitat for a wide variety of fauna and flora, enabling the community of the nearby city to explore and learn from it.

Clearly contrasting with the graceful Danish shelter is a solid construction in the midst of a Swiss forest, with spectacular valley views. This is the bunker at the top of the military cableway near Fläsch. The construction risked being abandoned as a result of historical changes, until the architects from strong> atelier-f converted it into a location for cultural events.

We conclude our roundup with a classic shed offering lake views in the forests of North America “Signal Shed” is by designer, Ryan Lingard who used recycled or locally sourced materials to create this retreat: a small living volume with a patio, floating on piers to minimise its footprint.

Andreas Wenning: http://www.floornature.com/blog/a-treehouse-a-natural-living-space-7634/
Simon Hjermind Jensen: http://www.floornature.com/blog/fire-shelter-01-shjworks-denmark-8448/
Atelier-f: http://www.floornature.com/blog/reuse-of-an-old-military-construction-atelier-f-switzerland-7951/
Ryan Lingard: http://www.floornature.com/blog/signal-shed-a-shelter-in-the-forest-8571/