
Falling Lotus Blossoms. EON IT Park by Form4 Architecture

Form4 Architecture,

Pune, India,


The team from Form4 Architecture have designed a quartet of buildings for the services industry in Pune, India, basing their design on the petal shape from India's national flower, the white lotus, and adopting the principles of sustainable architecture.

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  3. Falling Lotus Blossoms. EON IT Park by Form4 Architecture

Falling Lotus Blossoms. EON IT Park by Form4 Architecture The team from Form4 Architecture have designed a quartet of buildings for the services industry in Pune, India, basing their design on the petal shape from India's national flower, the white lotus, and adopting the principles of sustainable architecture. 

EON IT Park is located in a dedicated site in Pune, the seventh largest city in India. It is a quartet of buildings, totalling 371,000 square metres that occupy a site located in the EON Free Zone, a special zone established to encourage economic and technological development.
An opportunity for the designers from Form4 Architecture, who have always been attentive to environmental issues, to implement a wide range of sustainable design solutions, starting from the figurative concept itself - the lotus flower. The four buildings are shaped like lotus flower petals laid out in a four-leaf clover plan, with an open space at the centre. They also contain semi-conditioned, shaded atrium spaces as a response to the extreme heat and humidity in Pune and the goal of populating the outdoor spaces further.
The iconic complex stands out for both its stunning visual impact, including the kaleidoscope effect at dusk, and for its exemplary role in showcasing the latest green technology, from construction to use, and resulting in a LEED Gold rating.
Form4 Architecture has optimised energy performance in EON IT Park with insulation, efficient lighting design, occupancy sensors, double-glazed high-performance glass, and a Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) system in office areas for an energy saving of 20.09% against similar buildings. Water use has been reduced by 68% through rainwater harvesting and the treatment of waste water, all of which is reused in landscaping.
98.18% of construction waste was diverted from landfills and separated for recycling and building materials were sourced regionally.
Parking is all underground to help reduce the heat-island effect caused by large asphalted surfaces. The whole roof area is covered in solar panels for energy production.
All of this has made EON IT Park by Form4 Architecture an iconic and tangible example of the great potential of sustainable architecture in India.

Christiane Bürklein

Project: Form4 Architecture 
Location: Pune, India
Year: 2015
Images: Courtesy of Form4 Architecture