
Atelier ST Mittendrin exhibition Architektur Galerie Berlin

Simon Menges, Werner Huthmacher,

Sport & Wellness,

Architektur Galerie Berlin,

Berlin’s Architektur Galerie hosts an exhibition about Atelier ST, the studio operated by architects Silvia Schellenberg-Thaut and Sebastian Thaut. Audiovisual aids take the public on a voyage through the buildings on display.

Atelier ST Mittendrin exhibition Architektur Galerie Berlin

Three works by architects Silvia Schellenberg-Thaut and Sebastian Thaut of Atelier ST were selected for the exhibition under way at Architektur Galerie in Berlin “Atelier ST – Mittendrin”: Waldhaus cottage in the Brandenburg pine grove, the Martin Luther Archive in Eisleben and the forestry building in Eibenstock.
Inspired by the concept that an “architecture” exhibition is in actual fact an exhibition about representation of architecture in drawings, models, photographs, etc., the architects of Atelier ST decided to resort to audio-visual tools to “represent” the spaces and atmospheres of the works on display.
Silvia Schellenberg-Thaut and Sebastian Thaut therefore supplied precise instructions to the film crew that filmed the three projects, preferring “background noise” and the sounds of ordinary everyday work as the accompaniment for each item. The idea was to recreate a voyage in images and sounds ideally transporting visitors to the sites of the projects presented in the Architektur Galerie in Berlin. In this way the architects focused viewers’ attention on elements that are hard to represent in the form they take in the built projects, but play a central role: space and atmosphere cannot be represented using the classic tools of drawing and photography.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Architektur Galerie Berlin, photo by Simon Menges, Werner Huthmacher,
