
ADI DESIGN INDEX 2021 preparing for the 27th Compasso d'Oro award



On October 27, ADI Design Museum in Milan saw the presentation of the 233 products selected for the ADI Design Index 2021, the exhibition held by the ADI Permanent Design Observatory presenting a selection of the best products of Italian design shortlisted for the 27th Compasso d'Oro award, due to be awarded in 2022. The exhibition was inaugurated in Milan, where it will stay until November 7 before moving on to Rome.

ADI DESIGN INDEX 2021 preparing for the 27th Compasso d'Oro award

233 products have been selected for the ADI Design Index 2021, an annual exhibition organised by the ADI Permanent Design Observatory presenting the public with a selection of the best products of Italian design. Following the postponement of the 2020 edition as a result of the da Covid-19 pandemic, the competition returned to normality on October 27 with the presentation at the ADI Design Museum in Milan of the new products shortlisted for the 27th Compasso d'Oro award in 2022.
People, Planet, Prosperity are the three keywords inspiring the programme of Italy’s Presidency of the G20, which began on December 1, 2020 and culminated in the summit in Rome on October 30 and 31, 2021, and the essential concepts inspiring the 2021 edition of the ADI Design Index. ADI President Luciano Galimberti clarified the significance of these three priorities for the world of design:
People requires an approach oriented toward awareness of a broad vision of dignified, farsighted civil coexistence”. Planet suggests reflection on the transition to a green economy, in which people and nature are seen as being on the same level, rather than giving ourselves priority. And, as only a world freed of anxiety about subsistence can allow us to see and achieve the best that life has to offer, Prosperity means to us an invitation to promote technological upgrading.”
For this purpose, the theme of the next edition of the Compasso d'Oro competition will be "Sustainable and responsible development", offering a specific orientation for candidates for the shortlist of the ADI Design Index.
From October 28 through November 7, visitors to the ADI Design Museum in Milan will be able to view the exhibition presenting some of the 233 products selected out of 1,017 candidacies, with the addition of 28 projects by students selected for the Targa Giovani or Youth section. All the products selected are divided into the thirteen theme areas of the ADI Design Index. In addition to “Design for living”, which, as in previous editions, is the biggest category in terms of the number of products selected and the number of candidates (48), the most important other sections are “Design of materials and technological systems” (24), “Research for business” (17) and “Theoretical research” (including 17 studies and published volumes).
The architectural design of the exhibition at the ADI Design Museum in Milan is by architect Davide Curatolo, who created force lines running across the gallery of the ADI Design Museum at different heights which become ethereal supports exhibiting the items in the best possible way, ensuring that the focus is on the objects themselves. The lines dialogue with the museum space without creating contrasts with its architecture, and are ideally continued outside the gallery, on the tracks of the streetcar in Via Bramante, where they become part of a broader network, just like the works presented for the ADI Design Index.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of ADI 
Exhibition's photos Roberto De Riccardis

Title: ADI Design Index 2021
Date: 27th October – 7th November 2021
Location: ADI Design Museum - Compasso d’Oro piazza Compasso d’Oro 1, Milan
Entrance in via Ceresio 7 and the Piazzale Cimitero Monumentale

Facebook (@adiassodesign)
Youtube(ADI Association for Industrial Design)

Open to the public: 27th October, 17.30 - 20.00
Visits in person: 28th October – 7th November 2021, 10.30 - 20.00 (entrance free, closed on Monday) in compliance with current health rules: Green Pass, mask, distance between visitors