
2013 International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens


School, Landscape, Sport & Wellness,


The garden of Skrudur, in northwest Iceland, has won the 2013 International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens presented by Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche.

2013 International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens

The awards ceremony for presentation of the 2013 International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens will take place in Treviso on May 10 and 11, 2013. The jury of the 24th edition unanimously awarded the prize to the garden of Skrudur in northwest Iceland.

Created at the dawn of the 20th century (1909), the garden of Skrudur is an example of governance of the landscape even under extreme environmental conditions only a few kilometres from the Arctic Circle. Created by the Reverend Sigtryggur Guðlaugsson, Skrudur is a rectangle measuring 70 metres long and 35 metres wide, fenced in and protected, on the natural slope of the land facing southwest, towards the inlet Dýrafjörður, set against the backdrop of mountains sculpted by glacial erosion and, below the garden, barren land sloping down to the edge of the fjord.

The vegetable garden was originally planted as part of a social improvement project begun in the early 20th century and including a school, a church and Núpur farm. The project was abandoned but revived in the latter decades of the twentieth century, and has been open to visitors and cultivated since 1996.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche
