
Winners of the Premio Architettura Toscana 2022




On June 15, the award ceremony and inauguration of the exhibitions of the works selected for the Premio Architettura Toscana 2022 took place. The event was held in Florence at the Palazzina Reale and is promoted by the Regional Council, the Orders of Architects and the Ance Toscana Association, with the collaboration of the Fondazione Architetti Firenze.

Winners of the Premio Architettura Toscana 2022

The Officine Gullo House in Florence designed by the SuperSpatial studio, the Scuola Comprensiva di Sant’Albino in Montepulciano (Siena) designed by the Carlos Machado e Moura studio, the Ginori 1735 exhibition project in Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) designed by b-arch architettura, the restoration project of the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo in Pisa designed by the Guicciardini&Magni Architetti studio and the intervention in piazza dell’Isolotto in Florence completed by the RPA ROSSIPRODI Associati studio: these are the winning projects of the third edition of the Premio Architettura Toscana(Tuscan Architecture Award) promoted and organised by the Regional Council of Tuscany, the Order of Architects of the Province of Florence, the Federation of Tuscan Architects, the Order of Architects of the Province of Pisa, the Fondazione Architetti Firenze and Ance Toscana, with the patronage of the National Council of Architects.
The award is aimed at works completed in the five years prior to the publication of the call throughout the Tuscan region "to stimulate reflections and help disseminate design culture, as a guarantee of environmental and civil quality". The jury, chaired by architect Gianpiero Venturini and composed of architects Nicola Di Battista, Gianluca Peluffo, Sofia von Ellrichshausen and sociologist Daniela Ciaffi, selected the winners among the 140 competing works. An important number, higher than expectations and than the participants who took part in the previous edition. A wise use of materials, relying on sustainable and high quality products, enhancement of the dialogue between the architecture and the landscape, the use of architectural solutions that emphasise the civic value of places, the search for beauty as a communicative element and well suited to ensure the care of the built environment. These are some of the key points that the jury identified in the winning and mentioned projects for each of the five categories in which the prize is organised: first work, new construction work, restoration or recovery work, installation or interior design work, and work on public spaces, landscape or regeneration. The jurors stressed that the projects presented for the latest edition of the prize express a new conception of living and use of spaces, "where today environmental responsibility and the recovery of an exquisitely domestic character, on a human scale, seem to count more". In addition, the high quality of the competitors prompted the jury to award a high number of mentions, as well as to select many works for the exhibition that was held at the Palazzina Reale in Florence until June 22.

(Agnese Bifulco)

List of winning and mentioned projects

First Work Category

First prize:
Antonio La Marca, Andrea Govi, Matteo Gullo - SuperSpatial— Officine Gullo House
Works mentioned:
Matteo Gallerini, Cristina Toni / LDA.iMdA — Casa Giusta
Federico Cheloni, Matteo Chelazzi, Giulio Margheri / CARET Studio— StoDistante

Installation or interior design Category

First prize:
b-arch architettura — Ginori 1735
Works mentioned:
Sara Bitossi — Casa LIM

New Construction Work Category

First prize:
Carlos Machado e Moura — Scuola Comprensiva di Sant'Albino
Works mentioned:
LDA.iMdA — La Casa nell’orto
METROOFFICE Architetti — La Manufacture

Restoration or Recovery Category

First prize:
Guicciardini&Magni Architetti — Museo dell’Opera del Duomo di Pisa
Works mentioned:
Ecòl + ArchiBaM — Centro BASI Pilates Italia

Work on Public Spaces, Landscape or Regeneration Category

First prize:
RPA ROSSIPRODI Associati – Piazza dell’Isolotto

(01) Premio Architettura Toscana
(02) 15th June 2022 Press Conference 
(03-06) Antonio La Marca, Andrea Govi, Matteo Gullo - SuperSpatial— Officine Gullo House, ph. Delfino Sisto Legnani - Alessandro Saletta
(07- 09) b-arch architettura — Ginori 1735, ph. Alessandro Capellaro
(10-12) Carlos Machado e Moura — Scuola Comprensiva di Sant'Albino, ph.João Morgado
(13-15) Guicciardini&Magni Architetti — Museo dell’Opera del Duomo di Pisa, ph. Mario Ciampi
(16-18) RPA ROSSIPRODI Associati – Piazza dell’Isolotto, ph. Guido Mezzera