
Unique pieces from the artistic world of ceramics, fashion and motors on display in Modena


Iris Ceramica Group,

The Iris Ceramica Group and its Foundation are collaborating on the exhibition entitled "Manualmente: pezzi di pezzi unici" (Manually: pieces of unique pieces), presented in the Chiesa di San Carlo in Modena from May 11 to June 25, 2023. The protagonists of the exhibition are unique works of art from the world of ceramics, fashion and motors, emphasising their craftsmanship and artistic creativity.

Unique pieces from the artistic world of ceramics, fashion and motors on display in Modena

In Modena, from May 11 to June 25, 2023 on the occasion of the inauguration of the Motor Valley Fest, an interesting exhibition will be open to the public which, exploring the material, craftsmanship and artistic creativity of manual work, places the spotlight on some outstanding products of the Modena area, in an interdisciplinary dialogue."Manualmente: pezzi di pezzi unici" ("Manually: pieces of unique pieces") is the title of the exhibition promoted by Modenamoremio, company focused on the promotion of the historic centre of Modena, organised with the artistic direction of Modateca Deanna and the collaboration of Studio Paul Bazzani and the Iris Ceramica Group for the installations.

With a transversal approach and focusing its attention on the hands that shape the material as a trait d'union between the various disciplines, the exhibition involves the artistic world of ceramics, fashion and motors, through the display of some artistic works.
In the evocative Chiesa di San Carlo in Modena "unique pieces" are exhibited in which the material and the craftsmanship of manual work enhance the territory and its know-how in the related sectors. The Iris Ceramica Group and its Foundation are taking part in the exhibition as protagonists of the artistic world of ceramics. This natural material, "of authentic beauty and granite strength", has been skilfully adapted to take on various shapes and lines by the hands of the different artists involved.
The aim is to offer an innovative vision in which the great artisan tradition of ceramics blends with artistic interpretation. Marco Ceroni and Andrea Salvatori are some of the artists involved in this creative path in which ceramics are used as a means of artistic and poetic expression. Through their works the two artists, also featured in the book entitled "Per un Manifesto della nuova ceramica", published with the Group's support, present special uses of ceramics, linking them to a reflection on the centrality of the ceramic material and the role of hands vs. machine. To support the innovative vision of ceramics, the exhibition itinerary is completed by the surfaces of the Iris Ceramica Group's Luce collection.
A series of works by artist Alessandro Rasponi are also on display, symbolising the union between arts and motors, as well as the totems designed by Antonio Marras, unique pieces made of ceramic and exhibited inside the church. The world of fashion is represented by a selection of garments from the historical archives of the Modeteca Deanna, while that of motors – the true protagonists of the Motor Valley Fest – is showcased through an exploded view of the new Maserati MC20 luxury model by the Modena-based C.P.C. Group.

(Agnese Bifulco)