
Tobia Scarpa: Design e Gusto della Tavola Italiana exhibition

Tobia Scarpa,

Maglie, Lecce - Italia,


An interesting vision of Italian design, gastronomy and culture emerges from the new exhibition “Tobia Scarpa: Design e Gusto della Tavola Italiana”, scheduled for 1 August through 31 October 2023 at the Civic Paleontology and Palethnology Museum in Maglie, Lecce. In the wake of the success of the exhibition entitled "A tavola con Gio Ponti - Gli angeli apparecchiano" (“At table with Gio Ponti – The angels set the table”), Cintya Concari and Roberto Marcatti offer the public an interesting new story about one of the most important living twentieth-century architects and designers.

Tobia Scarpa: Design e Gusto della Tavola Italiana exhibition

From 1 August to 31 October 2023, the Civic Paleontology and Palethnology Museum in Maglie, Lecce will host the exhibition "Tobia Scarpa: Design e Gusto della Tavola Italiana" (“Tobia Scarpa: The Design and Taste of the Italian Table”), celebrating the unique approach of one of the most important living twentieth-century architects and designers to the design of spaces and objects for everyday life. The dei ex machina behind this important event are Cintya Concari and Roberto Marcatti, who curated the exhibition in collaboration with the Mercatino del Gusto Association and the Archives of Studio Scarpa.

Since 2011 Cintya Concari and Roberto Marcatti have preferred to hold their exhibitions in southern Italy, particularly Puglia. Starting with "L'acqua in mostra come risorsa e come progetto" (“Water on show as a resource and a project”) at Acaya Castle in Lecce, the two curators have set up exhibitions exploring a number of themes, from the significance of water to intercultural connections and archaeology, always sharing the common thread of design. The exhibitions include not only "Water on show as a resource and a project" at Acaya Castle in Lecce but Modulor o Algoritmo" ("Modulor or Algorithm") in a number of locations, "Da Casa nasce Casa" (From Home to Home) at MUST Museum in Lecce, and "ULTRACERAMICA" at the Mostra d'Oltremare exhibition centre in Naples. Their shows harmoniously combine art, design and culture, telling precious stories about great masters of Italian design such as “Idee in volo (Ideas in flight) – Riccardo Dalisi” in 2016 at MUST Museum in Lecce or “At table with Gio Ponti – The angels set the table” in 2022 at the Civic Paleontology and Palethnology Museum in Maglie.
Their success offers proof of the growing interest in exhibitions of this type, and their positive impact on the local economy. The new exhibition "Tobia Scarpa: The Design and Taste of the Italian Table", with its accompanying publication, will celebrate Tobia Scarpa’s unique approach to the design of spaces and objects for use in everyday life.
According to the curators, Scarpa’s design projects express the essence of the Italian concept of conviviality and its ties with the culinary arts. In a fascinating exhibition of objects, spaces and colours, Scarpa tells a story combining two essential pillars of Italian culture: food and design. The selected location, the
Museo Civico di Paleontologia e Paletnologia or the Civic Paleontology and Palethnology Museum in Maglie, is an important, highly symbolic location offering the perfect setting for a celebration of Italian design. A long table in the centre of the museum will be set to exhibit various items and accessories for everyday use: dishes, cutlery, glasses, jugs, and trays designed by Tobia Scarpa, initially with his wife, now considered true icons of design. The curators note that the items on display also tell another story, that of the skilled handcrafting of Italian enterprises, and the culture of an industry that has been capable of recognising and making the most of the contribution not only of architects and designers, but of graphic artists and photographers too, helping make Italy a world landmark in design.

(Agnese Bifulco)

“Tobia Scarpa: Design e Gusto della Tavola Italiana ”
1 August through 31 October 2023 – Museo Civico di Paleontologia e Paletnologia di Maglie (the Civic Paleontology and Palethnology Museum), Maglie, Lecce.

01 Poster of exhibition: “Tobia Scarpa: Design e Gusto della Tavola Italiana”
02 Tobia Scarpa portrait by Ilaria Cavallari
03 Tobia Scarpa portrait by Federico Quaia
04 Tobia Scarpa portrait by Archivio Testi Group
05-15 exhibition posters by Cintya Concari and Roberto Marcatti