Tag Seventyonepercent

Seventyonepercent: the bathroom of authentic, distinctive design


Seventyonepercent: the bathroom of authentic, distinctive design

The Iris Ceramica Group’s Seventyonepercent brand, launched with a collection designed by Paolo Castelli S.p.A., offers a new vision of contemporary bathroom furnishings.  Presented at the Group’s new flagship store in Milan, Seventyonepercent represents the new identity of the contemporary bathroom, in which high-tech ceramic offers unique, regenerating aesthetic experiences inspired by the values of integration, balance and harmony among the elements. Floornature talked to designer Paolo Castelli about the details of the four lines, Globe, Inspiration, Suite and Thirties

Iris Ceramica Group flagship store opens in Milan


Iris Ceramica Group flagship store opens in Milan

Iris Ceramica Group Milano is the new flagship store of the Iris Ceramica Group, the world’s leading maker of ceramic surfaces for architecture. After opening recently in London, New York and Berlin, the Iris Ceramica Group boosts its presence in the capital of Italian design, a landmark on the international design scene, with a new showcase drawing on the cultural heritage of SpazioFMGperl’Architettura and bringing together the collections and projects of all the Group’s brands: Ariostea, FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti, Fiandre Architectural Surfaces, Iris Ceramica, Porcelaingres, and SapienStone, as well as the new bathroom design brand, Seventyonepercent.

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