Tag Matteo Thun E Luca Colombo

Labirinto della Masone, conversations on green spaces, landscape... and architecture


Labirinto della Masone, conversations on green spaces, landscape... and architecture

Events and meetings dedicated to green spaces, gardens and landscape are set to restart at Labirinto della Masone in Fontanellato (Parma). The programme is not the original one: new meetings have been added, in which architecture also plays a leading role. The topics addressed offer new food for thought to stress the importance of green spaces, both in cities and in workplaces.

Matteo Thun & Luca Colombo Davines Village Parma


Matteo Thun & Luca Colombo Davines Village Parma

Matteo Thun and Luca Colombo project reinterprets traditional rural forms of architecture to create the innovative volumes of the new factory and headquarters of the Italian company Davines just outside Parma. The values of sustainability and beauty representing the company’s core business are given architectural form in the new complex, which has been nicknamed “the home of sustainable beauty”.