Tag Housing

Italian architecture at the Mies van der Rohe Award 2015


Italian architecture at the Mies van der Rohe Award 2015

Sono 9 le architetture italiane nominate tra le 420 concorrenti al Mies van der Rohe Award 2015, il premio dell'Unione Europea per l'architettura contemporanea.

The Best of the Week: Milan


The Best of the Week: Milan

The city of Milan, host of Expo 2015 and much more, is the common thread running through many of this week’s news articles in Floornature, starting with the new image of Spaziofmg, Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti’s gallery in Milan, a real physical place where you can meet Floornature’s editorial staff.

World Habitat Awards 2014, Upgrading of Audi União Shantytown


World Habitat Awards 2014, Upgrading of Audi União Shantytown

Two of the ten finalists of the World Habitat Awards are projects designed to help improve living conditions in informal settlements.

World Habitat Awards, Liter of Light.


World Habitat Awards, Liter of Light.

One of the finalists in the 2014 World Habitat Awards is “Liter of Light”, the affordable and sustainable initiative to provide lighting to homes in poor community, improving the quality of life in the rapidly increasing numbers of informal settlements.

Li Xiaodong’s The Screen and architecture as a bridge to landscape


Li Xiaodong’s The Screen and architecture as a bridge to landscape

The Screen is a building designed by Li Xiaodong for Ningbo (China), a study of the relationship between landscape and building, of architecture as a bridge for sharing spaces with nature and reducing our footprint on the land.

y+M design’s Rain Shelter House in Yanogo (Japan)


y+M design’s Rain Shelter House in Yanogo (Japan)

y+M design’s Rain Shelter House in Yanogo (Japan)is all about the relationship between home interiors and the sense of community. The young Japanese studio y+M design created the Rain Shelter House for a family consisting of a couple, their two children and the grandmother, reflecting on how people share spaces.

Here are the 10 finalists for the 2014-15 World Habitat Awards


Here are the 10 finalists for the 2014-15 World Habitat Awards

The World Habitat Awards were established in 1985 by the Building and Social Housing Foundation and for 30 years they have identified and promoted good habitat practices for disadvantaged and homeless people.

Scape named Young Talent in Architecture 2014


Scape named Young Talent in Architecture 2014

Scape studio has been named “Young Talent in Architecture 2014” for its multipurpose building on Rue Paul Meurice in Paris.

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