Tag Gloucestershire, Uk

Walking above the trees, Glenn Howells Architects, Stihl Treetop Walkway


Walking above the trees, Glenn Howells Architects, Stihl Treetop Walkway

The treetop walkway designed by Glenn Howells Architects for the National Arboretum in Westonbirt, Gloucestershire, the most important arboretum in the United Kingdom, was awarded the RIBA Regional Awards 2017 - South West & Wessex and the RIBA South West Client of the Year 2017.

Invisible Studio ​​Wolfson Tree Management Centre


Invisible Studio ​​Wolfson Tree Management Centre

The Invisible Studio architects chose materials readily available at the site, such as untreated timber from different types of trees, to realise the two buildings for the management of the Gloucestershire Arboretum.