Tag Blauraum

Superbude St. Pauli in Hamburg: economically and environmentally sustainable hostel and hotel.


Superbude St. Pauli in Hamburg: economically and environmentally sustainable hostel and hotel.

Hamburg, the city of fun, of the big publishing houses and of Architecture with a capital A, is also a city of trendsetting hotels.

Hamburg building created with a view to establishing an ecological balance.


Hamburg building created with a view to establishing an ecological balance.

German architectural studio Blauraum has built a railway service building with an optimal energy balance on half the amount of land occupied by the old facility.

Cutting CO2 emissions in half while doubling habitable space: Bebelallee Treehouses by Blauraum


Cutting CO2 emissions in half while doubling habitable space: Bebelallee Treehouses by Blauraum

The architects of Blauraum in Hamburg renovated and expanded a housing development dating back to the 50s and 60s, significantly improving the development’s overall “carbon footprint”.

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