
Six new landscape architecture projects on the Norwegian Scenic Route

Knut Hjeltnes Sivilarkitekter, Rever & Drage, Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter, Studio Vatn & Jørgen Tandberg Arkitektur, Østengen og Bergo AS,



Thirty years have gone by since the Norwegian parliament commissioned a study for touristic promotion of the country’s natural beauty and rural areas, producing the famous Norwegian Scenic Route, a programme combining architecture, art and landscaping that will soon be expanded with six new projects.

Six new landscape architecture projects on the Norwegian Scenic Route

Thirty years ago, in 1994, the Norwegian parliament commissioned a study assessing whether a combination of road routes and tourism could be used to promote the country’s natural beauty and rural areas on an international scale. The framework project, the Norwegian Scenic Route, has involved architects, landscapers and artists in the creation of touristic and cultural infrastructures all along the routes.
Panoramic viewpoints have been selected and emphasised, while picnic areas and rest areas, parking lots and routes, footbridges and shelters have been created, along with artistic installations: works combining architecture, art and landscape to offer spectacular views over the fjords, mountains, waterfalls, coastline and other natural landscapes of Norway. The Norwegian Scenic Route project now includes 18 panoramic routes extending from Jæren in the south to Varanger in the north, and has received numerous international prizes and acknowledgements for its contribution to the promotion of sustainable tourism and appreciation of Norway’s natural and cultural heritage. By the end of 2023, six new projects will further enrich the programme.
For the Norwegian Scenic Route Helgelandskysten, architectural practice Rever & Drage designed a rest area with toilet facilities and a 65-metre stone jetty extending across the tidal shore and into the water of Lake Sundshopen. The projects includes not only the jetty, built using traditional local construction techniques, but a new building in contemporary style, a parking lot and a path to the beach.
Østengen og Bergo AS worked on a project in Sluppen, on the Norwegian Scenic Route Aurlandsfjellet: a picnic area with a path down to the River Erdalselvi, where it connects with other trails leading to Sluppefossen waterfall.

Studios Haugen and Zohar Arkitekter completed two projects. On the Norwegian Scenic Route Ryfylke, near Flesefossen waterfall, the architects designed a panoramic viewpoint with toilet facilities and parking for cars and buses. While on Norwegian Scenic Route Jæren, near the harbour of Madland, the architects designed a rest area with toilet facilities and a storm-watching cabin inspired by the boathouses present in the area.
In Brunstranda, on the Norwegian Scenic Route Lofoten, a place frequented by surfers and kitesurfers, Studio Vatn & Jørgen Tandberg Arkitektur designed a new building with toilet facilities and a technical room to replace the existing construction, built in 1995, with interiors establishing visual continuity with the ocean. The most recent project, due to be completed by the autumn of 2023, is in Gjende, on the Norwegian Scenic Route Valdresflye. Knut Hjeltnes Sivilarkitekter designed a new building of wood and glass with a kiosk/café to make the place a key attraction in the Norwegian Scenic Route programme, on the level of other important sites such as Vøringsfossen, Trollstigen and Torghatten.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Norwegian Scenic Route and Architects


01-02 Sundshopen. Illustration by Rever & Drage Arkitekter
03 Sluppen. Illustration by Østengen & Bergo AS
04 Flesefossen. Illustration by Haugen og Zohar arkitekter
05 Stormhytte Madland hamn. Illustration by Haugen og Zohar arkitekter
06 Brunstranda. Illustration by Studio Vatn & Jørgen Tandberg Arkitektur
07 Gjende_fase 2. Illustration by Knut Hjeltnes arkitekter